I love messenger bags because of their versatility and ease of use. However, they can be a bit annoying to use when you want to remove your iPad, MacBook or other object in a pinch. And as someone who rides public transportation on a frequent basis, I like to use my iPad to get work done on the bus and subway. However, I’d rather not show it off when traveling through the seedy parts of town. Because of this, I’ve wanted to get my hands on a bag that lets me use my iPad without taking it out of my bag. After doing research to see if a bag like this actually exists, I came across the Cabana Messenger Bag by Hex Bags.
The Cabana bag is large enough to house a 15″ MacBook Pro, a tablet, and all of your accessories. For extra organization, the bag has a built-in organizer and rear storage pocket. The bag’s laptop compartment is coated with fleece to ensure that your computer won’t be dented, scratched or experience any other form of harm whilst in the bag. If you’re ever stuck in the rain, no sweat, the bag is water resistant and includes surplus grade straps.
Perhaps the most important part of the case is the PadPort. Like I stated before, this bag has a built-in pocket that allows you to use your iPad without removing it from your bag. The PadPort allows you to do this with an iPad window that is located under the front flap of the bag. To use this, simply slip your iPad into the pocket with its screen facing towards the outside of the case. You can then flip the front of your bag out of the way and start tweeting, sending emails, and doing whatever else you want to do with your iPad.
If you’d like to purchase a Cabana Messenger Bag, expect to drop $79.95 if you purchase it via the Amazon Marketplace. The bag is offered in a cool, striped color scheme that looks laid back yet classy.