If you live in an urban environment, you know that a backpack or messenger bag is an absolute necessity. And while you can buy a backpack pretty much anywhere, a lot of these bags lack a clean style and space to store your various gadgets. One bag that features both of these qualities is the Gallery Cloak Backpack by HEX.
This bag is a rucksack style backpack that offers two layers of protection for your gadgets, due to the fact that the pack has both an inner pocket with a drawstring closing mechanism and a top flap that closes with two buckles. This combination of protection allows you to keep your gadgets free of theft and moisture.
As far as the bag’s storage capacity goes, you can haul a wide range of gadgets in the Gallery Cloak. The backpack features an exterior iPad pocket, giving you quick and easy access to your beloved tablet.
The sleeve is padded with micro fleece, so you can be sure that your iPad will stay scratch free. In terms of laptop storage, the Gallery Cloak can fit up to a 15-inch MacBook Pro. Finally, there’s also a built-in organizer for pens, coins, or whatever else you have laying around your bag.
If you’d like to purchase a Gallery Clock for your next commute, you’ll have to drop $100.