The Case of the Missing Boot Drive.

So, if their is some messed up thing that can happen on a Mac, chances are that it has happened to me. I ask my...

Find Useless Large Files

If you’re like me, you collect junk on your computer all of the time. Sometimes I like to go through and find all of the...

Print as PDF

Printing is a pain in the rear. I hate managing stacks and stacks of paper, but sometimes I have to have an exact copy of...

iTunes Back Up

What are the most important files on your computer? For me, my most important files are my music and movies. If my harddrive were to...

Mac OS X Security Basics

With all of the discussion around the Leopard release and the whole firewall debacle, now is a good time to learn more about the basics...

iTunes, Purchased Content and wiping your hard drive

Within iTunes you can only have 5 machines authorized to the same iTunes account, meaning you can have up to five computers that can play...

Got a New Mac? Learn the ups and downs of Transferring your account.

About a week ago I decided that I REALLY wanted to buy Mac OS X Leopard Server. I have two Macs, about a year old...

Spoof your MAC address in OS X.

Sometimes we want to do things that require us to change the MAC address associated with our networking device. Say, get on a network that’s...

Turn off that annoying clucking when you use the volume buttons

You know what annoys me the most? That horrendous clicky-cluck that plays through my speakers when I try to turn up the volume with the...

Boot Camp Beta 1.4 Expires

Just an FYI, the Boot Camp beta 1.4 expired yesterday, 12-31-2007. What does this mean for you? Well if you’re running Leopard, it does not...

Adium and multiple Chat Accounts (Part 2)

Another quick tip for those Multiple Chat accounts that were spoken of in my last post. See last tip. Have you ever wanted to set...

Icons not showing within Grid View in Leopard

So you install a new application, by downloading it, dragging it to your applications folder, open up the ‘grid’ view under the application launcher on...

Adium and multiple chat accounts

Have you ever had somebody who has AIM, Gtalk, ICQ, Hotmail and who knows what else and you’re using Adium? Now, you have that one...

QuickLook and Color Coded Programming Tags

Someone is after my heart. I’m telling you, this is by far the greatest leopard “quicklook” plugin I’ve seen to date. Essentially, you can use...

Connect 360, and streaming stuff from your mac to your xbox 360

I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to get my content from my mac to my tv. Wayne wrote an awesome article about...

5 useful and hidden things in Leopard that are helpful

There are a couple of things that I’ve stumbled upon this week while looking for some leopard secrets. Some of these things might not be...

Controlling iTunes remotely without using Screen Sharing

This one’s for Stan, who in the comments asked about controlling iTunes remotely. Now, this gets a little bit geeky, and involves the terminal and...

Using Non-Apple Webcam in OS X Tiger (10.4)

I don’t want to give too much away because I want to talk about it on the show, but, I’m so excited that I actually...