iTunes 8 Bug / Tip: Playlist sync

I have an iTunes 8.0 bug /tip. It’s in regards to syncing playlists, and the order of those playlists. Most would think, myself included, that...

iTunes Library Cleanup

Being one who has a huge music collection (like 70 Gigabytes, and that doesn’t include all of my CDs), I want to make sure that...

Rar > Zip especially from the commandline.

Rar seems to be taking over the compression space for many people, and since I get some super satisfaction from using the command line to...

Change your login screen wallpaper image

Sometimes default things get old real fast. We look at them long enough and they start becoming eyesores. This also seems to happen with ever...

Get that Bootcamp partition back

Some of the recent switchers that I know decided that it would be in their best interest to have a windows partition set up on...

WebSMSLib – Send SMS from your Menubar

Some of us abroad don’t have the luxury of unlimited text messages, so most of us use the SMS tool on our carrier’s website. Its...

Presto Change-O! Audio Codec Changes on the Fly

Ever had the need to quickly convert one of your AAC audio files to another format? I was asked today for a down and dirty...

Mac OS X Security Manual from Corsaire (not the RAM guys)

Some of us are bigger geeks than others. It’s called natural distribution. Some of us are the outliers while others of us are smack on...

Tunnels are for more than smuggling people across borders.

It seems everytime I read the word tunnel, it’s in reference to people being smuggled across texan/californian borders into the US. While I’m sure they...

Banshee 1.2 – multimedia player, with iPod support

I’m not to sure how I feel about posting this because it isn’t OS X related; however, it is iPod related which makes it Apple...

Upgrading your Macbook Hard Drive.

Since I bought my Black Macbook in July of 2007 it has been rock solid with very few problems. Now, I installed Vista on it...

iPhone tips and tricks, and a little diatribe

This blog started off as a nice little way for me to remember things I’ve come across in my journey through the great switch. I...

Copy and delete a file at the same time

I was moving some file to a backup drive that I use constantly to back up “super” important files occasionally, and I stumbled across a...

You can control the heat in your house with your mac.

I don’t know about where you are, but it’s ridiculously humid up here in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Every day seems to be a struggle for...

iPhone/iPod Touch 2.0 and AIM 1.0 App Crashing

Were you one of those who decided to take the plunge with the 2.0 firmware and install a whole bunch of apps, including the AOL...

Use the 1st Gen iPhone as a spare?

Being the curious person that I am, I wanted to see if I could use my iPhone 1st Gen as an emergency backup for my...

iPhone 3G and Firewire Charging

I am not sure how many readers still have a firewire iPod charger, but I do. It’s from my 1st Generation 4GB Green iPod Mini....

1st Gen iPhone to Wireless iPod

Just a quick hint for those who have or will upgrade from a 1st Generation iPhone to the new iPhone 3G. Remove the SIM out...