Upgrading your Macbook Hard Drive.

Since I bought my Black Macbook in July of 2007 it has been rock solid with very few problems. Now, I installed Vista on it...

iPhone tips and tricks, and a little diatribe

This blog started off as a nice little way for me to remember things I’ve come across in my journey through the great switch. I...

Copy and delete a file at the same time

I was moving some file to a backup drive that I use constantly to back up “super” important files occasionally, and I stumbled across a...

You can control the heat in your house with your mac.

I don’t know about where you are, but it’s ridiculously humid up here in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Every day seems to be a struggle for...

iPhone/iPod Touch 2.0 and AIM 1.0 App Crashing

Were you one of those who decided to take the plunge with the 2.0 firmware and install a whole bunch of apps, including the AOL...

Use the 1st Gen iPhone as a spare?

Being the curious person that I am, I wanted to see if I could use my iPhone 1st Gen as an emergency backup for my...

iPhone 3G and Firewire Charging

I am not sure how many readers still have a firewire iPod charger, but I do. It’s from my 1st Generation 4GB Green iPod Mini....

1st Gen iPhone to Wireless iPod

Just a quick hint for those who have or will upgrade from a 1st Generation iPhone to the new iPhone 3G. Remove the SIM out...

Firefox Address bar tricks

Here are a couple tricks to keep you speeding along without switching to another search bar. The first is auto complete, for some reason my...

Mail a website.

I’m a huge fan of tinyurl, mostly because it lets me play really annoying jokes on people over and over again, but usually so I...

Quick Tip -> Dashboard Screenshots!

Applicable OSX Versions: Tiger and Leopard (That I know of!) Because I’m a MAJOR keyboard junkie, I tend to find little nuggets of hidden OSX...

Command Click – Opens Stuff In The Finder

Here’s a quick tip for your Friday afternoon. If you command click (if you don’t know what the command key looks like, follow the link)anywhere...

Changing your default browser

I forgot how much of a pain it is to not change your default browser. I have Firefox open and plenty of pages pulled up,...

Terminal command tip – Man

For those who are afraid of the terminal, there is away to learn many things about it. The easiest is by opening terminal by going...

Jailbroken iPhone iTunes DB Whacked?

Do you have a Jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch and you go to plug in the device and you have what I call the ‘orange...

Restarting OS X from the command line

As you can tell, we’ve decided to write a couple articles on using the command line in OS X. There is so much power available...

Command-Tab+Q to quit

I was working with our Chief Technology Officer today, and he was surprised to learn from me that you can quit apps without switching into...

Posting to twitter with Quicksilver, Twitterific, and a script.

The more I use Quicksilver the more I love it. It’s so complicated that it can be daunting at times, but it’s time well spent....