Mac OS X Tips – Customize your Dock

Would you like to have more control over your Dock?  Would you like to have it appear on the right or left hand side?  Maybe...

The Saga of my iMac, and the benefits of AppleCare

I wrote an article a couple weeks ago on how Apple’s Support is the best. While I still believe this, it has been an interesting...

iTunes Tip: Hate a track but don’t want to delete it? Uncheck it

In today’s audio podcast we talk about managing your iTunes playlists, and the ways that we each manually manage our music. Deleting tracks came up,...

Mac OS X Tip – Boot Up keyboard shortcuts

Have you ever wanted to boot off of an external hard drive, or boot from your Mac OS X Install DVD.  Well, Apple has a...

Apple Support: Highest ranked for a reason.

There have been several surveys and reports that Apple ranks highest when it comes to support. The most recent being from Consumer Reports. Well there...

Make your Photos pop with Acorn

Acorn is a great $49.95 image editor for Mac OS X from Gus Mueller over at Flying Meat. Instead of trying to make a Photoshop...

Automatically Mount Network Drives

Have all your media on one computer, and you want to stream your media across the network to your laptop or media center Mac? Some...

Mac OS X Tip – Automatic Power On/Off with OS X

Would you like to have your computer turn itself on in the morning, or when you return home from work?  No, I’m not talking about...

Mac OS X Tip – Screen Capture

We all know that we can use “Grab” from the Utilities Folder to make a screen grab or a window grab.  However, I have a...

Get access to folders that are locked

Managing multiple user accounts can be a giant pain in the butt. It’s great if you’re sharing the computer with people who know what they’re...

Disk Utility: Burning a CD at a slower speed

Working as an IT manager can be a fun job, and sometimes it can be rather annoying. A co-worker brought their PC in because it...

Add color labels to your email with Mail rules

In my ongoing effort to reclaim my inbox, I’ve realized that both smart folders and mail rules can seriously cut down on the clutter. One...

3 suggestions for iPhone and Touch game developers

A couple weeks back we wrote an article about the A.D.D levels that iPhone users have. It came on the back of some reports that...

Do math in Spotlight

When Napoleon Dynamite went on about mad skills, he wasn’t referring to my math abilities. They approach null space pretty damn quickly. I blame my...

Apple’s iPad and unbundled

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber is reporting that the iBooks application will not be included on the iPad by default. He’s stating this because according to...

3 Things to help you check the condition of your battery

Have you ever noticed that your battery is acting little funky, but you have no idea what you can do about it? There’s a couple...

PwnageTool 3.1.5: Now ready for iPhone OS 3.1.3

The iPhone Dev team has been hard at work since iPhone OS 3.1.3 has been out, and today they’ve released PwnageTool version 3.1.5. If you’re...

Clean off the Crap, and make your Mac merry

As a huge Mac nerd, I tend to collect a lot of crap on my system. I’m constantly installing applications, downloading video, and moving things...