Apple’s iPad: Data plans explained

Today Apple announced their ‘latest creation’ the iPad. The iPad is essentially a larger form factor iPod touch with the capability to also provide 3G...

Turn off Ping auto-tweets; Apple turns on URL shortener

I don’t “love” Ping, but I do find myself using it from time to time. I love suggesting music to people, and Ping seems to...

Holiday gift ideas: iPad Lover Edition

We play with a lot of stuff over the course of the year, so I’d like to think we have some insights into good gift...

Powerpoint for Mac 2011: Play audio across slides

I was asked a question via email by a Macgasm reader on how to play an audio clip across a set of slides within PowerPoint...

Awesome tip: Use Wingdings and Emoji in your iOS folder names

We can’t take any credit for this, but we thought the tip was so good that we’ve decided to pass it along. The tip comes...

How To: Browse the web Flash-free

The Apple vs. Flash war is still raging, with Apple shipping the new MacBook Airs sans Flash plugins. Adobe is fighting back by working with...

Turn a photo blog into a screensaver with iPhoto

I’ve never really been a screensaver guy. I get really bored, really fast, when it comes to things like screen-savers and background images on my...

Skip DVD preroll piracy warnings on your Mac

While the DVD might only be around for a couple of more years, there’s still a few people who use their Macs as their home...

Disable your IR port in OS X

Having an Apple Remote can be handy, but it can also be a giant pain in the rear. Having purchased my first Apple TV at...

AT&T is allowing eligibility transfers within Family Plans

Tidbits has a scoop that those who are in a Family Plan, and are not eligible for an upgrade for iPhone 4, can transfer eligibility...

Save Harddrive Space with Modern Audio Compression

I hear people talk incessantly about how great lossless compression is, but the vast majority of people can’t tell the difference between an MP3 from...

GameAgent: Buy and Download Games

If you’ve been following the very cool stuff that Valve has been doing with Steam, you’re sure to be interested in Aspyr’s GameAgent. On it’s...

Living on the edge: HandBrake nightly builds

It takes the HandBrake team a long time to deliver stable versions of the popular transcoding app. They’re all unpaid volunteers, so it’s understandable. That...

Sync your Bookmarks between Browsers

If you use more than one web browser or computer, you know what a hassle it is to keep your bookmarks up to date. Well,...

Set custom SMS tones in iOS 4.2 for the iPhone

SMS tones aren’t exactly something you think about too often, but now that Apple’s made it possible for users to assign customized Text Tones for...

Disable “Example is an application downloaded from the internet”

A lot of people, including myself, get quite annoyed by OS X’s “Example is an application downloaded from the internet” dialog box. So, here’s a...

Make iTunes 10s traffic lights horizontal

Apple released iTunes 10 yesterday (September 1st, 2010) and there are two things that I don’t like about it. First, the ugly new iTunes icon,...

Add Spaces to Separate Groups of Apps on Your Dock

If you’re anything like me, you probably have your dock loaded with applications. It can get really frustrating when you’re working with different applications (I...