Worth Reading: The Verge Reviews OS X Yosemite

David Pierce (who briefly blogged for me while I worked at PCWorld) gives his evaluation of OS X Yosemite: “It’s a cleaner, calmer, more balanced look...

Worth Reading: ‘Why I Swapped The HTC One M8 For The iPhone 6’

TechRadar’s Kevin Lee looks back on his switch from iPhone to Android—and back: “‘Don’t like what comes stock with Android? Just replace it,’ a fellow Android-using...

Worth Reading: The Story Behind The 5th Avenue Apple Store’s Cube

Vicky Ward at New York Magazine has a fascinating look at how the Fifth Avenue and its iconic glass cube entrance came about: “Though it...

Worth Reading: ‘On Death And iPods: A Requiem’

Mat Honan over at Wired wrote a thoughtful look at the cultural impact of the iPod Classic, and the demise of the venerable device: Apple...

Worth Reading: ‘Apple Watch: Asking Why And Saying No’

I’ve spent a fair amount of time the last couple days trying to digest where the Apple Watch fits in people’s lives, and it occurred to...

Edge Online: Free-To-Play Has ‘Soured’ The iOS Gaming Scene

In recent years, free-to-play games like Candy Crush Saga have taken the iOS gaming scene by storm. In fact, as I write this, the “Top...

Catch Up On Last Week’s News Before This Week Runs Away On You

Apple legal is back on the offensive, as they filed their appeal to the ebook price fixing case last week. Last week also saw a...

Two Apple Docking Stations That’ll Please the Inner Hipster

When one attempts to define what a hipster is, one would ultimately fail. The problem is that hipsters cannot be defined, because in order to...

Here’s The More Important News Stories You Missed Last Week

Likely the biggest story in Apple news this week was the launch of the Brazilian Apple Store, which welcomed 1500 fans to its grand opening....

Apple R&D, Finder Searches, Twitter Design, And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

The cold war between Apple and activist shareholder Carl Icahn ended last week, as the latter dropped his motion for a $50 Billion stock buyback....

Tim Cook In Turkey, Fixing Twitter, Pixel Density And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

We’re still deep in the slow part of the year for Apple News. Which may be why two of the big stories were about Apple...

Apple Earnings, Fake Apple Store Employee, And The History Of Selling Out In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

Last week Apple announced their Q1 2014 earnings this week, and they managed to set records in nearly every product category. This still did not...

Hide from this week’s cold with last week’s news

If you’re in a large chunk of Canada and the US, you are busy hiding from the cold. That combined with the flu, may be...

China Mobile, Apple TV Web Surfing, Year Walk And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

We here at Macgasm hope that you had a happy holiday, but that did mean that it was a shorter week. There was still plenty...

Holiday Mac Sales, New Mac Pro Unboxing, Linux Exploits, And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

Now that the Holidays are almost over with, most of you should have completed your shopping by now. It appears that many of those purchases...

Apple Goes To China Mobile, New Channels For The Apple TV, Classic Macs on the Web, And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

This was a big week for Apple, literally. China Mobile began to sell the iPhone this week, which is the world’s largest phone carrier. Apple...

Patent War, Tom Hanks Steals An iPad, No Girls Allowed, Retro iPhone Cases, And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup.

Now that Apple event season is over, the actual news revolves around gauging the success of Apple’s new software and hardware. The new revisions in...

Primesense, Photo Stream, 3D Printers And More In Our Weekly Reading Roundup

The rumor mill is aflame with pointless speculation after Apple announced they bought Primesense, the designers behind the first Kinect. There’s lots of bytes out...