If you’ve ever had to file an expense report, you know how much of a pain in the ass they are to file. Ex-Googler Ted Power has created Abacus, a new app for creating, filing, and getting paid for work expenses. You can stop plotting a ‘beat down’ of the communal printer now.
When using Abacus, an employee can report an expense in three easy steps: type in a name and description of the purchase, add the amount owed, and attach an image of the receipt. After this, the expense report is sent to whoever is responsible for approving payments to employees. Once approved, the funds are sent directly to the employee via the Abacuas app, right to their bank account.
Additionally, Abacus is a downright beautiful application. It’s UI reminds me of Clear with its super clean lines, excellent colors, and beautiful fonts.
Though the Abacus app is free on the App Store and Google Play, it will cost employers $5 per month per employee. Considering the app offers free bank transfers, it’s a pretty good deal.
Via Fast Co. Design