As reported by Brazilian website Veja, Apple is on the verge of launching iBooks in the Brazilian market in the month of April. Apple has been very aggressive in rolling out products and services to Latin America, so this makes perfect sense.
Also of note, this would put Apple out in front of Amazon in this market. While Amazon is usually considered the leader in the eBook field, this could help turn the tide worldwide in Apple’s favor. Apple’s relationship with publishers inside and outside of the US will make their offerings stronger to every audience. I’m sure Apple wants to exist in a world where they can launch physical and digital goods in every nook and cranny of the world at the same time. There are many developing markets like China, India, and Brazil that Apple would have to be pretty clueless to leave out of its long-term plans. Tim Cook can see the writing on the wall that the exclusivity of North America and Europe in the realm of the digital is slipping fast. Frankly, that means great things for humanity as well as Apple’s pockets.
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Source: Veja