Shots fired! Shots fired! Apple has published a lengthy document that illustrates exactly what the company does with your information, how it protects that information from jackass government agencies, and what they plan on doing about government requests moving forward. Essentially, Apple’s kicking ass, taking names, and will continue to fight the man when appropriate.
Here’s a couple of take aways from the PDF:
On What Types Of Requests They Get
The most common account requests involve robberies and other crimes or requests, kidnapping victim, or hoping to prevent a suicide. Responding to an account request usually involves providing information about an account holder’s iTunes or iCloud account, such as a name and an address. In very rare cases, we are asked to provide stored photos or email. We consider these requests very carefully and only provide account content in extremely limited circumstances.
On Apple’s Competitors, And The Information They Collect
Unlike many other companies dealing with requests for customer data from government agencies, Apple’s main business is not about collecting information. As a result, the vast majority of the requests we receive from law enforcement seek information about lost or stolen devices, and are logged as device requests.
On What They’re Going To Do About This NSA Crap
We feel strongly that the government should lift the gag order and permit companies to disclose complete and accurate numbers regarding FISA requests and National Security Letters. We will continue to aggressively pursue our ability to be more transparent.
Those are only a few of the thing that stood out to us while reading the document. We recommend reading in full so you can grasp the full-context of it. There’s no point in copying and pasting the thing here in its entirety. Download it here.