On Wednesday, Apple provided developers with the second beta of OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion. The first beta was available just under a week ago. Developers have reportedly been told to focus on the new Facebook integration coming to the updated version of Mountain Lion.
Apple has also asked developers to focus on Messages, Game Center, Safari, and Reminders. The latest build of OS X 10.8.2 reportedly has no known issues and, according to Apple, the updated Mountain Lion with Facebook integration will launch this fall.
Facebook integration across the entire Mountain Lion operating system will be the biggest change to come. It will work similar to how Twitter is already integrated, with the ability to post pictures and other content right to a user’s Facebook account with the operating system’s Share Sheets button.
When the latest public release of Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.1 launched last Thursday, it fixed a number of problems, including an issue that was causing Migration Assistant to quit unexpectedly. It also improved connection to Microsoft Exchange servers in Mail and addressed audio problems when using a Thunderbolt display.
Source: Apple Insider via Cult of Mac