Brilliant! European software engineer Fabio Basile has come up with a gamepad design for the iPhone that looks quite practical and nostalgic. The illustration Fabio posted shows two sections that connect to your iPhone separately. The D-pad connects to the headphone jack while A and B buttons connect through the dock connector. Essentially, this makes your iPhone into a modern NES controller.
Fabio wanted to begin a Kickstarter project to get this made, but quickly ran into this issue:
Unfortunately Kickstarter only allows US-based accounts, also I have zero knowledge of hardware design and iOS frameworks, actively looking for some help on this! Feel free to follow and contact me on Twitter
That said, it seems that he is working to get this awesome concept to the next stage of production. If any of you are in a position to help, we strongly suggest that you consider contacting him.
So, what do you think about this and the many other controllers we’ve seen for iOS devices? Are they actually useful, or are they just a novelty from a bygone era? Sound off in the comment section below this post, or you can hit us up on Twitter: @macgasm. Your opinion means a lot to us, and it helps us to decide what to cover on the site. Don’t hesitate!
Source: Fabio Basile
Via: iDownloadblog