The biggest story of the week is likely the release of iOS 7.1, which got 6% of users to update in the first day. Despite the cries of “finally” it has nothing on how long it took Microsoft to announce it was releasing a new version of Office for the Mac. With SXSW in full swing Apple partnered with YouTube MTV clone Vevo to stream the iTunes festival from the event. We finally saw some usage data on iTunes Radio, the service has been reported to be more popular than Spotify and Google Play.
Our Features, Tips, and Funny Posts
- This iPhone Air Concept Looks Exactly Like It Shouldn’t
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- Get A Glimpse At Some Of The Changes In iOS 7.1
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- Quick Tip: Convert Units Using Your Mac’s Calculator App
Stories From Around the Web
- Target Missed Alarms in Epic Hack of Credit Card Data | Bloomberg Business Week reports on the early warnings Target ignored during the epic data loss during the holiday season.
- Exquisite, Disturbing Objects From 500 Years of Human Anatomical Science | Wired’s gallery of some off objects from the history of Anatomy.
- If Superheroes had Part-time Jobs | Chow Hon Lam is interviewed at Enfuzed and shows off his series on Superheroes with part time jobs.
- The Empathy Vacuum | A victim of a recent Internet pile-on describes his experience.
- Telecom Giants Drag Their Feet on Broadband for the Whole Country | Newsweek exposes how the telecom giants hold back the Internet in the US.
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