The WordPress app for iOS has gotten a new update that includes a number of new features and improvements. The update brings push notifications for “everything happening on your blog,” as well as improvements in the way comments are managed.
The improvements in managing comments allows you to view, moderate, and edit them from one screen.
Wordpress already has push notifications for new comments, but now you can be notified for pretty much anything else, like replies, new followers, and new likes. You can also customize them too, so you don’t have to receive notifications for all of them if you don’t feel like getting inundated with spam comments every five seconds.
In the new Notifications view, you’ll be able to see all of your alerts, including stats highlights, all in one place. You’ll be able to see all new notifications regardless of where you are in the app, so you won’t miss anything. You can view, moderate, and reply to comments from one screen, independent of your blog.
You can easily modify Push Notifications settings for each notification type and choose which blogs you want to receive on the Settings panel.
The update also brings a number of bug fixes. You can get WordPress version 3.4 from the App Store for free.
Image Credit: Cult of Mac