Tag: tip
Play podcasts at 1.5 or 2.0x on the iPhone and Touch.
Did you know that you can speed up the playback speed on your iPhone? That’s right, you can play your podcasts at both 1.5x and...
Sync OmniFocus with DropBox
I’ve had a constant struggle with ToDo applications lately (or GTD apps if you prefer), I’m both hot and cold when it comes to their...
Turn a video podcast into an audio only version right on your iPhone.
I don’t really have any scientific evidence to suggest that audio only podcasts don’t kill battery life as fast as video podcasts do, but common...
Tip: Editing Keyboard Shortcuts
I was advised today by Mr. Macgasm that native builds of Chrome were finally being released by the fine folks at Google. Naturally, being a...
Super Duper!: Fixing an Error and tips
Over the last week, my backups have been failing. Granted, I didn’t really have the time to look at what the major issue was with...
Lab Tick lets you control backlit keyboards
If you have a shiny Macbook Pro or Powerbook with a backlit keyboard, this application might be for you. Have you ever been annoyed about...
Speed Up Load Times with Automator
The absolute worst moment in my daily computing experience is waiting for my machine to boot. Getting from the boot screen to the desktop happens...
iTunes Tip: Manually Manage your iPod/iPhone playlist.
Earlier today I realized that something had happened with my iPhone that wouldn’t let me drag and drop certain tracks to the device. I was...
WHAT? Return doesn’t open files?
As a windows convert I had one major problem that took me probably about six months to overcome during my “switch” process. Opening files with...
Rar > Zip especially from the commandline.
Rar seems to be taking over the compression space for many people, and since I get some super satisfaction from using the command line to...
Copy and delete a file at the same time
I was moving some file to a backup drive that I use constantly to back up “super” important files occasionally, and I stumbled across a...
You can control the heat in your house with your mac.
I don’t know about where you are, but it’s ridiculously humid up here in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Every day seems to be a struggle for...
Customize Leopards Finder Icon
Some of us can only look at that psychotic finder window for so long before we start feeling a little uncomfortable. For me, I couldn’t...
Mail a website.
I’m a huge fan of tinyurl, mostly because it lets me play really annoying jokes on people over and over again, but usually so I...
Terminal command tip – Man
For those who are afraid of the terminal, there is away to learn many things about it. The easiest is by opening terminal by going...
Command-Tab+Q to quit
I was working with our Chief Technology Officer today, and he was surprised to learn from me that you can quit apps without switching into...
Terminal Tip: Rip, Normalize your CD’s from the CLI
I’m a geek, so as you probably suspect, I get some really odd satisfaction from watching stuff go down in the Terminal. But, being self...
Terminal Tip: Scan For Wireless Networks.
I stumbled across a photo in our Flickr group that really peaked my curiosity. Apparently apple has shipped a binary that lets you view your...