Tag: Kobo

Kobo to let authors publish books on their marketplace and let readers share books

Kobo, the Canadian eReader company, has announced through an interview with Good eReader that they’re planning on bringing not only book sharing functionality to their...

Barnes & Noble wastes no time, releases touch-based Nook to compete with Kobo

Just yesterday we covered the new kobo touch reader, a new touch-based eReader from Kobo, in partnership with Borders Books. In that story, we noted...

Kobo and Borders release new touch eReader, drop price of original to $99

Amazon’s Kindle has been doing extremely well, with sales of Kindle books surpassing sales of all print books on Amazon.com combined. The Kindle itself has...

Apple to Sony: Resubmit, we want your 30%

Earlier today Christine wrote an article about Sony’s reader app getting rejected from the App Store. There’s a lot of FUD-fallout going around the internet,...

Kobo takes eBooks social with Reading Life application

Kobo, the popular eReader, has decided to forge ahead and take on some social features. Readers can track personal reading histories, check-in with characters and...

Bluefire Reader app lets you read Adobe DRM eBooks

Bluefire Productions recently released their Bluefire Reader universal iPhone and iPad app, and it is significant for one very big reason: it supports Adobe DRM...