Tag: hardware

iPhone to get projectors? Lame sauce!

Networkworld has published a report that Apple has ordered some chips from Foxlink that will afford them the ability to add micro projectors to their...

WWDC Ruminations

Like what I strongly suspect, most Apple fans who couldn’t make it to this year’s WWDC in San Francisco did this morning, I sat at...

Upgrading your iPhone 3G to the iPhone 3GS

After the WWDC 2009 keynote I wanted to go and buy an iPhone 3GS. The first thing to note is that you can order a...

Snow Leopard news from WWDC

It’s coming, and we’ve finally got an official word on a release… month. Apple has pegged a release in September, but they were far from...

iPhone’s Biggest Problem is Not the Firmware or Hardware

It is the stupid, piece of crap, totally evil network. I have lived and visited countless cities across the US of A. I have been...