Tag: Cost
Indian iPhone plans are expensive, but competition is fierce

Apple to charge for iOS4 for iPad?
Just when we thought Apple had done away with charging for their iOS updates after revealing that iOS4 was free even for iPod Touch owners,...
iPhone 3G S upgrade worth it?
So, Apple has announced the new iteration of the iPhone hardware, the 3G S. It’s going to be faster, have better graphics, be able to...
WWDC Ruminations
Like what I strongly suspect, most Apple fans who couldn’t make it to this year’s WWDC in San Francisco did this morning, I sat at...
Whither my apps?
I am not a geek. I’m a Mac fan and have been since 1984. For years, I and others were relegated to the netherworld of...
Is Apple Care worth the price?
Is Apple Care worth the extra cost? We have more and more converts converting to the Mac end of the computing spectrum. When they begin...