Tag: beta
Quick notes on Safari 4
The final build of Safari 4 was announced during the WWDC keynote today. I have been running Safari 4 beta since it was announced awhile...
Adium 1.4 (Beta) now with Twitter support.
Adium 1.4 Beta 1 has been released, and in addition to the tons of networks that Adium currently supports, it now supports Twitter. While this...
Trouble in App Developer Paradise? Beta 2 broke development phones.
I received an interesting email today about the 3.0 iPhone software that I thought I would pass along. Some developers are pretty pissed right now,...
Safari 4 Public Beta Review
Safari 4 Public Beta Review - Apple has added a ton of new features to their web browser; new tabs, faster engine and a top sites page are just some of the changes. Jump on in and see what we think.
Safari 4 Public Beta Released
Apple released the first public beta of their web browser, Safari. Safari 4 beta has a few changes, both in appearance and speed. The first...
Unconventional Shovebox App (for the iphone) Review.
He said it was as buggy as a Volkswagon dealership, but I’m pretty sure he overstated a little. We’ve talked about Dan Grover and his...