Tag: Apple

Apple Releases New iMacs And Accessories

The Mac may not get all the spectacle of the iPhone when it gets updated but it’s still exciting. The Retina iMac line got an...

How To Get At iOS 9’s iCloud Drive App

One of the features on the iPad wish list we published earlier this year was improved iCloud Drive support on iOS. Because let’s be honest–it’s kind...

News Roundup 7/22: Franken Threats, Bugs, New Betas, And Common Sense

Apple Is A Big Fat Monopoly Al Franken has decided that Apple needs to be taken to task for their App Store practices. Specifically he...

How To Listen To Apple Music On Your Sonos System

Apple Music has launched. Your Sonos system is currently sitting there collecting dust while Zane Lowe is spinning those black circles like a man on...

Seven More Flyover Locations Added To Maps

Apple has added 7 more Flyover locations to its Maps application today. What’s Flyover? Apple has built an amazing 3D engine into its Maps application...

6/5 News Roundup: We’re Pretty Sure Samsung’s Math Is Wrong

T’was the Friday before WWDC and all through the Web, bloggers took to their sites and made bad predictions. Or made fun of said bad predictions...

6/4 News Roundup: WWDC Decorating Tips

As you know, we don’t cover rumors here at Macgasm (partially so that we don’t have to do any awkward backpedaling ahead of each event...

5/29 News Roundup: The Sorta-Kinda Fix For Messages

This is my first week back at Macgasm after taking some time to deal with, you know, real life. (Stupid real life, always getting in...

News Roundup For Thursday May 28th

The Apple Watch has managed to diffuse quite a bit of the rumor mill ahead of WWDC. That means that we have some actual news...

Worth Reading: The Story Behind ResearchKit

We at Macgasm think ResearchKit is kind of a big deal—after all, it could lower the barrier of entry for medical research and increase participation. And...

Forget The Watch—ResearchKit Was Monday’s Real Bombshell

Take a look at any tech-centric website today, and you’ll see that Apple’s recent Watch and MacBook announcements have generated a huge amount of buzz. But...

iCloud And iTunes Suffer Major Outage Wednesday Morning

If you noticed that iCloud and iTunes were down Wednesday morning, it wasn’t just you: According to Apple’s service status page, all iTunes Store services suffered an outage—and...

Apple Announces Presumed Watch Event With Tagline ‘Spring Forward’

We know that the watch was coming in April ever since the most recent Apple earnings call, but Apple had yet to set an actual launch date...

Brace Yourselves For Five More Years Of Apple Car Rumors

Here at Macgasm, we generally avoid covering the Apple rumor mill. After all, every other news site under the sun reports Apple rumors and we usually don’t...

In Light Of Photos For Mac, What Would A Reimagined iTunes Look Like?

Apple’s new Photos app for OS X is on its way, and in its wake, some of us have wondered aloud if iTunes is Apple’s...

Pocket Study Shows The iPad Losing Screen Time to iPhone 6

Are the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus reducing iPad usage? If data released by Pocket is any indication, it seems so. Pocket’s data shows that...

Worth Reading: Why Doesn’t Handoff Work For Music?

Once you start using it, Handoff in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite becomes second nature. But Dan Moren of Six Colors brings up a...

Need To Remove Your Phone Number From iMessages? There’s A Tool For That

If you’ve moved on from the iPhone, and you find your SMS messages disappearing into the ether still, there’s a good chance that your phone...