One of the questions that I’m constantly asked by people regarding my Apple products is “how do you use it?” For years, this was an extremely easy question to answer, simply because I only had one device. I rocked a PowerBook G4 from 2005 to 2010, and then a 27-inch i7 iMac from 2010 until now. It was my only computer, and thus did everything for me.
Times have changed, though. The iOS-ification of society. The desire to be portable. Battery battery battery. And with the new iPad entering the market this past weekend, many people are wondering how it can fit in to their workflows and daily lives. So, let me give you a brief rundown of how I use my equipment.
iMac (late 2010, 27-inch, i7) – My main computer, and what I use if I’m at my desk. Houses all of my files and music.
MacBook Air (early 2011, 13-inch, 128GB SSD) – My primary on-the-go machine. A lot of people say the Air is “underpowered” or “not a real laptop”, but the SSD makes up for the lack of power with a speed that simply can’t be touched by my iMac. I’ve done Photoshop and video work on this machine with no problem. It only uses about 30GB of the HD, simply because I don’t want to bog it down with unnecessary stuff.
iPhone 4S (16GB) – My “personal assistant”. Always with me. Houses my “top songs” playlist, so I have music wherever I go. (A 160GB iPod classic carries the rest.) Great for just about all the stereotypical “smartphone” things, but I’ve also used it to take notes during meetings and class as well.
As far as the iPad fitting into my lifeā¦ well, I’m working on that. I’ve used the iPad almost exclusively since I got it on Friday. Some people feel limited by the lack of a true multitasking system, but I find it extremely freeing. It helps you focus on whatever you’re doing, and limits your distractions. I’ve surfed the web, played games, watched movies and basketball, written emails, taken notes for class, and drafted blog posts (including this one). Ninety-nine percent of the things that I do on a regular basis could easily be accomplished with my iPad. It’s just a matter of convincing myself of that.
How about you? How do you use the Apple devices in your everyday life? Hit up the comments below.