You’re standing in line bored out of your mind, and you haven’t managed to sneak a peek at the latest headlines from the world wide Apple web yet. What’s a poor boy to do? Ask Siri to get you the latest and greatest, that’s what. Did you know Siri can act like an RSS reader and get a list of the latest and greatest Macgasm articles?
The next time you need to see what’s going on, just open up Siri and ask her (or him) “What’s Macgasm saying?”
Siri will then head out and grab our latest tweets from Twitter, and then list them from newest to oldest, ten tweets at a time. Find something you’re interested in and then tap the link. Siri will direct you to Safari and open the article you’re looking for in a jiffy.
There you have it. You can use Siri as an RSS reader to check up on your favourite Apple news site.
This works for all twitter accounts, so you can stalk your favorite accounts quite easily.