World of Warcraft might actually be coming to your iPhone

Senior World of Warcraft producer, John Lagrave, sat down with Eurogamer yesterday to talk about the possibility (and difficulty) of bringing the world’s most popular MMORPG to the iOS platform. Ladies and gentlefolk of Azeroth, prepare to get excited.

Remember all the way back to 2009 when a video surfaced on WoWInsider (since removed) showing WoW being played on an iPhone? Vollee, the software developer who posted the video, had built an early port of the game that looked like a good start for a great mobile companion game. However, after the initial burst of excitement, nothing really came of it, and Blizzard has been relatively quiet on the issue. Until yesterday. Here’s what Lagrave had to say:

We won’t do it until we think it’s decent. But it’s interesting, and the world is evolving towards that little handheld device – I’d have fun on it, that’s absolutely the case. It would be foolish for any game developer to not be looking at that, and we’re not – we don’t think – foolish! Maybe we’ll stumble on the great way to put WoW on the [i]Phone – maybe we won’t, but we’re certainly looking into it…What we’ve done [so far] with WoW on mobile devices is very simplistic: view the armory, check your auctions[, manage guilds]… When we have an epiphany, everyone will know. But for now, no epiphany!

It might not be much, but at least we’re hearing it from the horse’s mouth. The WoW developers are clearly aware of the advantages the mobile space could have for them, and they seem to be keen on giving us something worth our while.

In my opinion, I think they should develop a mobile version of the game but not for the iPhone. There’s just not even close to enough screen real estate for a game like that. I think it would be better suited as a native iPad app. Can you imagine playing World of Warcraft on that sexy Retina display?

Source: EuroGamer


Elle is a writer from Ottawa, Canada. The time she doesn't spend writing is often spent photographing her cat.