Many people considered repenting when Microsoft announced that they were making a Linux variant for the data center.
On the other hand, I think that it’s much more likely that the apocalypse was triggered when Microsoft published their own Markdown editor. Add in the fact it’s a web app, and I’m even getting my Thetans audited to be on the safe side.
I don’t think that you’re going to see a ton of the Mac and iOS faithful flocking to Madoko, but it is a good start. The app looks familar with a text entry on the left, and a rendering of
the resulting HTML on the right. The app has several templates to choose from: Academic Papers, Web Pages, and Presentations. These are all really impressivly designed. It reminded me of a lighter version of Mutimarkdown Editor.
You can save your work to One Drive, Dropbox, Github, or local browser storage. You can also publish your pages to Azure if you’re so inclined. It could use a bit of a polish, but this is a great start.
What’s Good: Several syncing options, well made templates.
What Sucks: Still needs some polish.
Buy It: If you’re looking for a good Markdown editor on the web, try [Madoko.](