Tim Cook seemed to have the best week in tech, getting a ticket to the State of the Union speech and giving a talk at the Goldman Sachs technology conference earlier in the week. On the rumor front, this week we had to hear about the coming of the iWatch. A rumor that actually refuses to die. There was a lock screen exploit found in the latest iOS update. We covered a lot more than the top stories here at Macgasm, and the highlights are included below. After that, we’ve got some interesting stories from around the web worth checking out. Finally we have some of our open deals for you to check out.
This week in Macgasm
- Carbon: A Lesson For The Twitter iOS Team
- Wait, Sleep-Texting Is A Real Thing? Seems So.
- LinkedIn Employees Get Free iPads, Macgasm Employees Get NOTHING
- Candidly Speaking, An iWatch Is A Dumb Idea
- Refurbished Current-Gen iMacs Available On The Apple Store
Stories from around the web
- Everyone’s a Critic: The Critic Markup Language Proposal , Markdown has a pretty solid reputation for web writing, but tracking changes isn’t exactly plain text’s strong suit. This adds some additional character sets to show edits.
- Where USB Memory Sticks are Born, USB sticks are assembled in a less than high-tech environment.
- Welcome to the Malware-Industrial Complex , The black market of zero day exploits and the culpability of governments.
- Inventing Chromebook, The lost story of the beginnings of the Chromebook, hint it started with Firefox.
- The Mac Essentials Bundle
- The iOS App Builder Course
- Designers – Double your Freelancing Rate
- Comfortable Earphones For The Active Lifestyle
- Beautiful WordPress Themes From Themify