Last week saw the end of the second round in the Apple versus Samsung patent bout, with yet another round going to Cupertino. Though the updated decision reduces the damages, the Korean electronics giant has to pay Apple $290 million dollars in damages. Google had its own legal woes, as the company settled a lawsuit with several states in the US, for ignoring cookie settings in Safari. For ignoring Safari’s default block on third-party Cookies, the company has to pay $17 million dollars. After the iPad Mini with Retina Display was launched last week, there were some grumbles about the new screen. After some early complaints of burn-in, this week there were reports about lower color quality on the diminutive tablet. Though a lot of the outrage about iOS 7’s redesign has died down, there are still a lot of reports of springboard crashes and device reboots out there. Apple may have some fixes for these woes in the next version of iOS, 7.1, which was seeded to developers this week. Apple TV rumors might still shamble along like a Romero extra, but Apple seems content with their little hockey puck hobby to stay a hobby. The hockey puck did get a bit of an update this week, with channels added for Yahoo! and PBS.
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