If you use tickets, you’re in luck. Flights and movies that use electronic ticketing will now be built right into an all new app: Passbook. No more saving out PNGs or searching for that airline app at the gate.
Accessibility is getting a major addition with guided access. It’s designed to help autistic children use iDevices, but it also helps in other settings as well. New in iOS 6 is single-app mode. You can lock the device to use one app, and then you can’t switch to another app for nefarious purposes or by accident.
In iOS 6 we’ve built an entirely new mapping solution from the ground up, and it is beautiful. We’re doing all the cartography ourselves… this is a worldwide effort, we’re covering the world.
This brand new mapping application comes with over 100 million points of interest. There’s Yelp integration, live traffic data, and TURN-BY-TURN navigation! Even better, the turn-by-turn is dynamic, and changes based on traffic patterns. Not only that, but they’ve built 3D models of cities all over the world, so you can view everything like you’re in a plane. It is beautiful — take that, Google! Let’s hope this is as awesome as it looks.
Image Credit: GDGT