It’s not completely an industry standard, but when Valve releases their usage information to the public, a lot of people listen to what they’re saying. This time around, there’s some interesting insights into gaming on an Apple platform.
First, Macbook Pros and MacBooks easily kick the heck out of all the other machines in the Apple lineup when it comes to representation on the Valve’s steam network. It’s not really surprising considering more people buy laptops than desktops these days. It also looks like 4GBs of RAM is the standard for Apple gamers—61.6 percent have 4GB of RAM or more in their systems.
On top of the Mac demographic, it’s being reported that overall Mac usage on the Steam network is down 3 percent overall, from 8 percent in June to 5 percent last month. Again, it should have been expected. With everyone being excited about the potential of Steam on the Mac, a lot of curious users would have checked out the service, but a couple would have moved on as well.
So what do you think? Is there a future for hardcore gaming on the Mac? Or does the closed hardware practices of Apple make it difficult for Mac users to keep up with cutting edge games? We’re still on the fence, but we’d love to hear your thoughts on it all.
Article Via Joystiq