Usually Apple hands out t-shirts when they open new stores around the world, and usually they adorn an Apple logo, and the name of the store on the front, plain and simple. But, the new opening in Shanghai has a fun little twist to it.
If the title of this post sounds a little bit familiar, but you can’t seem to put your finger on just where you’ve heard it before, you’re probably going to be a little bit annoyed to find out that you’ve read a variation of “Designed in California, Made for China” every single time you’ve purchased an Apple product. The moniker, “Designed in California, Made in China” has been plastered on Apple devices for years, but this time around Apple’s making it pretty clear that they’re intending to do things a little differently in China. They’re hoping to build a relationship this time around, and the new moniker is written on the back of all the tees being handed out in Shanghai.
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