The internet has been abuzz with the release of Amazon’s Kindle 2, their e-book reader. Essentially the Kindle is an e-book reader that allows you to download books directly to the device whenever you want. It comes with lifetime Sprint EVDO to provide connectivity. You can read my full review here. When I ordered the Kindle I started to look for some software that would allow me to create Kindle 2 compatible documents. I ran across an application called Stanza.
Stanza is a great application for converting from the following formats:
To any one of the following formats:
If you want to export a document all you have to do is go to File -> Export Book As and save it as your intended format. For the kindle I recommend ‘Mobi Pocket’.
You can also download Stanza for the iPhone and iPod Touch which will allow you to read e-books on your device. Although I’m wondering how much reading anyone can do with the iPhone or iPod touch with such a small screen.
I’d recommend that you go and check it out, if you’re interested in doing any type of e-book reading or conversion. It’s free so give it a try. It’s available for both Windows and Mac.