Square may just succeed where Foursquare, Gowalla, and Groupon have failed before it. The company has just rolled out in-app loyalty cards for business owners using the Square service in their stores, and who currently use the Square Register, the company’s point-of-sale system for the iPad. Customers can not only earn loyalty rewards, but they can also open tabs with companies while they’re in the area. The tab lets customers place an order and pay without ever having to open the app. Store owners can now seamlessly complete a transaction with nothing more than a name at the cash.
As for the loyalty rewards, a fully automated system has been set up to alleviate the burden on store clerks, and allow customers to earn VIP-like deals. Customers can now see just how close they are to earning a VIP reward before they even place an order.
Foursquare, Gowalla, and Groupon have all toyed with reward systems and discount systems, but Square is where it matters most — in the hands of businesses who can control everything top to bottom and directly at the point of sale. We wouldn’t be surprised if the company was more successful with this program than anyone who has come before it.
Square, a modern credit card processing company, lets merchants take credit card payments directly with their iPhone or iPad, and it lets customers pay directly from an app, should the feel the need.
Source: FastCompany