Sprint working closely with Apple to address slow data speeds on iPhone

Sprint and their slow data speeds on the iPhone is still a hot topic on the #twitters. An Internal email that has been circulating through Apple and Sprint sheds light on the fact that the companies are aware and working to solve the problem.

The Next Web first reported about the email, which all but confirms the slow speeds Sprint iPhone 4S users have been complaining about since the launch on October 14th. This has become a sore spot, considering that most of Sprint’s new users switched for the speedy unlimited plans being offered.

The speed issue hasn’t been the only slipup for the late iPhone adopting Sprint, apparently there was an issue that allowed customers to purchase an off contract handset for the on contract price of $199, as opposed to the expected $650 price tag, a glitch that Apple notes has been addressed.

Sprint has released a full statement on the speed issues that they claim is the only “official” word regarding the status of iPhone 4s performance on their network:

Overall, iPhone performance on the Sprint network is consistent with our expectations and the rest of our high-end portfolio. Sprint also did bench-marking of Sprint’s iPhone against competitor’s iPhones and the testing showed little to no performance difference. We are seeing a very low return rate for this device but we are watching the reports of speed issues very closely. We do see opportunities to optimize performance, specifically in high network capacity areas. We see this as typical optimization work and do not have any specific area of concern. Sprint is committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers. We are listening to our customers and working closely with our partners at Apple to ensure optimal performance of iPhone devices on our network.

It is also being reported that with enough haggling, you can convince customer service to provide you with a free AirRave 3G hotspot to bandaid the problem until an official fix is in place.

Source: TheNextWeb

Josh is the Social Media Director and Sr. Systems Engineer for a startup toy company. He is freakishly into just about anything tech related. When he's not writing, he can be found inventing products at Quirky, or doing 3D renders… Full Bio