For those looking to add facial expressions or vulgar hand gestures to the voice messages they send, Skype now has you covered. The service is beginning to roll-out a new feature this week that will let users send three minute video voicemails to their contacts from either their iOS or Android phones, or their Mac.
The video messages are designed to be a feature for Skype Premium members. This means that if you want to do any video messaging, you’ll first have to pay $4.99 a month for a Skype Premium subscription. All accounts, however, are given twenty free video messages to use before they have to start paying.
The new feature is rolling out over the course of this week, although Skype says that it is still in early beta form. This seems like something that should have hit Skype a long time ago, but the fact that videos can be up to three minutes still makes it an interesting new update.
The feature is likely already live for most people, so go start your video message trolling now!