A while back we told you about a new flagship store Apple was trying to build in San Francisco. Following the announcement, controversy broke out when it was realized that Apple’s plans included the removal of a historic well/art piece that sits in the store’s plaza. Well now San Francisco officials have come back to Apple with an assessment of Apple’s proposal, bringing with them a number of changes they’d like to see made, including the preservation of the well.
The city’s Planning Department has issued its preliminary project assessment, bringing with it some requests for changes to Apple’s design.
There’s too much glass on Post Street and too much metal on Stockton. The plaza that would accompany it needs a friendlier entrance. Planners also want the project to include a circular bronze fountain by Ruth Asawa that is the centerpiece of the plaza now on the block.
The city would also like Apple to find a way to expand and widen its staircase entrance that sits behind the store in the public plaza.
Apple’s original design was a unique building that was almost entirely glass on its front facing side, and entirely metal on the other. It will be interesting to see how drastic the company’s changes will have to be to satisfy the city, and whether these changes will compromise Apple’s original vision.
With all this being said, the city is still incredibly excited about Apple’s plan to build a store at this location, with the promise of greatly increased foot traffic and business within the area.