Something about selling out a conference in 10 hours hasn’t sat well with me. Here’s why—what business consisting of more than 10 employees would be able to get approval to purchase conference passes in under ten hours? Unless you’re independent, or work in a super-efficient office, you didn’t have a chance when Apple announced WWDC. A lot of people who should be at WWDC probably still haven’t heard back from upper management yet about whether or not funds are available for their trip.
That being said, Erica Sadun over at TUAW laments better than I could:
Listen, Apple, if your event sells out in 10 hours, you’re oversubscribed and under-serving your community. Just 10 hours, people — 10 hours. That’s just crazy. The Beatles won’t even be there.
Apple, isn’t it about time you start creating separate Mac OS X and iOS dev conferences? Even if you want to bring those platforms together and encourage cross development, there’s just too much material to cover with one event.
We recommend going and reading the article in full. It’s worth the read. Simply put, if Apple’s hoping to focus their efforts on the indie community, this system works fine, but if they’re hoping to get big business and education onto iPads, they’re going to need a better registration process next year.
Article Via TUAW
Photo Credit: Mission Repair