Place calls to a TV with Skype for iPhone

A Skype update for the iPhone from back in December added functionality to let users place a call to “Skype for TV.” I’m not sure how those in the Apple News beat, us included, missed that one. The idea of placing a call to a Google TV or other camera enabled television is something that’s intertesting and bizarre at the same time.

The concept of taking a call from your living room while you’re sitting on the couch has been around for awhile, but hasn’t come to fruition. The question for most is whether or not we want or actually need a webcam attached to our televisions moving forward. With the Google TV, Apple TV, and rumored Apple Television all making waves for putting computers in the living room, the likelihood of seeing Skype for TV in the near future is pretty high.

But do you really want to take video calls all day long instead of normal phone calls? I’m not sure I do, and I’m not sure that putting video chat on my television is all that appealing. But Skype clearly thinks that placing calls to televisions from mobile devices is an important part of our future.

Since I’m on the fence, I’m curious, what’s your opinion? Do we need another camera in the living room? And for that matter, would you call people’s televisions to make a call?

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Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio