Now that Apple’s officially killed off the optical drive, it’s becoming increasingly useless to keep the drives in use in your Macs. The space could be put to better use as a secondary drive, in my opinion.
OWC has been on top of that for a while now, having a Data Doubler optical bay drive mounting kit for the entire MacBook lineup, and as of yesterday, they now have a kit available for Mac Minis and iMac models.
The kits are ideal for adding a Solid State Drive to your system along side a traditional Sata drive. It’s kind of funny that this was released today, since I just yanked my optical drive out of my MacBook Pro, and found myself considering the Data Doubler for my laptop.
If you have used one of these with any success, let us know in the comments. I’d love to hear how well they work before making a decision.
Article Via OWC PR