We’re gonna have to keep our use of question marks to a minimum now that Mr. Betteridge’s Law himself will be contributing bi-weekly columns to Macgasm. Ian Betteridge, the man behind Technovia, and one of my personal favorite tech journalists, will be writing columns for Macgasm twice a month.
We’re really excited to add Ian to our editorial team, and we can’t wait to see what his first article is about. In the past, you may have seen Ian’s work in MacUser UK, MacFormat, eWeek and in many other places scattered across web and print.
Ian’s contributions will be our first major step towards a few changes that will be taking place here at Macgasm over the next couple of months. We have so much to tell you, but, until things are ready for the prime time, mum’s the word.
Oh yeah, make sure you follow Mr. Betteridge on Twitter. He’s worth the follow.