Do you ever find yourself wondering where rumors come from, and why they seem to ramp up so quickly as we approach an announcement? Yeah, us neither. We usually assume that people are making stuff up. But, we have noticed a relative silence on the iPhone 5 as we draw closer to an announcement. Leading up to the iPad 2, we pretty much knew everything we needed to about the device, but with the iPhone 5 it’s silent on all fronts.
There are obviously two explanations—either there is no iPhone 5 yet, or Apple’s keeping everyone very quite about the device.
According to Ticonderoga Secruities, it’s the latter: “Apple is keeping its iPhone 5 cards extra close to the vest on this launch to avoid a falloff in iPhone 4 demand ahead of a refresh, especially given the February launch of the CDMA iPhone 4 with Verizon”
The chances that an iPhone 5 doesn’t exist yet is negligible. The device is coming, and it’s certainly gone through prototypes and testing. So the notion that an iPhone 5 isn’t, at the very least, on its way to production is wrong. It’s more likely that Apple’s holding things extremely close to their chest this time around.
If you recall, once the iPhone 4 was mysteriously “found” in a bar, Apple saw a major fall off in sales for the iPhone 3GS. People knew the iPhone 4 was coming, and people were more than willing to wait for it. Anyone who follows the iPhone release schedule knew ahead of time that a new phone was on the way without the Gizmodo iPhone 4 debacle, but for the most part, the general public had no idea.
If there’s anything to be learned from the Gizmodogate, it’s that the general population wants the latest and greatest Apple product. It’s not just us geeks. People are willing to wait months for the new version to ship. So, it’s no wonder that Apple’s tightening its lips for the iPhone 5.
We’re hoping that an iPhone 5 gets announced at WWDC like it has in the past, but to be honest, we haven’t heard anything official one way or another. I’d be willing to bet that no one else has either.
Photo Credit: Luigi Pica (Via iDesk)
Article Via Apple Insider