Microsoft updates Bing Maps iOS SDK

If you want to keep up, you’ve got to be at the forefront with your SDK. Lagging behind in the tools you provide developers usually gets you passed by and dropped from third party applications. Microsoft is not about to let that happen. They’ve just announced a refresh for the Bing Maps iOS SDK.

The update brings with it new Objective-C classes that will help developers integrate Bing maps into their applications. While most developers rely on Apple’s Map framework in iOS, this could be a good excuse to try out something else entirely.

While I’m aware that running a 3G iPhone is a problem in and of itself, using the Maps application on the device is downright stress inducing. It pretty much renders my phone useless.

If the maps application is running, or location services are active, my 3G iPhone dies pretty much instantly. Before you get up in my grill, I plan to upgrade with the next iPhone refresh, but until then, if Microsoft’s claims are true, the Bing Maps SDK could cut back heavily on resources and provide a quicker, more responsive option for developers. If that’s the case, we can’t wait to take some Bing powered apps for a spin.

Article Via the Bing Maps Blog

Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio