Mailbox, the popular Gmail client for iOS, has been updated. This update brings a couple of much requested features to the email app such as landscape mode for iPhone, Gmail “send as” alias support, as well as the obligatory bug fixes. Send as aliases can be setup via the Mailbox settings menu. Once you’re in this menu, tap into your Gmail account and tap on the “Gmail Aliases” button to complete setup.
If don’t already know, Gmail “send as aliases” is a way to send and receive emails from your Gmail account by using another email address, whether another Gmail address or an email account hosted elsewhere. When setting up aliases with Mailbox, make sure they’re setup properly before verification. If they’re not, all email will be sent from your default Gmail address.
Mailbox is a free Gmail client for the iPhone and iPad. The application offers an intuitive way of blowing off your email inbox by letting you put email messages off for the next day, the weekend, next week, or a variety of other periods of time. The email app also offers a stellar user interface that looks very modern and clean-cut.