New MacBooks Pros are crazy fast

The guys over at Bare Feats have put Apple’s latest MacBook Pros to the test, and verdict is in. These machines are crazy fast.

With new quad-core Sandy Bridge processors in the 15- and 17-inch models, coupled with faster RAM and better GPUs, just about everything on the new notebooks is quicker than before.

This sums it up pretty well:

The fastest 2011 13? MacBook Pro runs faster than the fastest 2010 17-inch MacBook Pro.

Since the iMac and the MacBook Pro are very similar in architecture, I imagine that these types of numbers will show up on the desktop side of things before long.

Article and graph via Bare Feats

Stephen Hackett, formerly a Lead Mac Genius at Apple, now spends his days running the IT department of a large non-profit in Memphis, TN. He writes about Apple, design and journalism at Like all twenty-somethings, you can find him… Full Bio