This Thursday, May 19th, marks the 10th anniversary for Apple’s retail presence. Information is starting to circulate regarding strange happenings at Apple Stores as we inch toward that date.
BGR has just released a list of peculiar happenings in and around Apple’s 10th retail anniversary, which seems to point clearly to an immenent product launch.
Among the details released so far, I was most intrigued to see that Apple has scheduled an overnight shift at each of its locations Saturday through Sunday. Employees working during this shift will not be allowed access to their cell phones and must sign an NDA. The stores are also reportedly set to black out all of the windows to avoid anyone outside from witnessing the shenanigans that are sure to accompany a late night lock-in with Apple Store employees.
We can’t help but feel a little anxious for those of you who ran out and scooped up a White iPhone 4.
Personally, I’m hoping the September release date for iPhone 5 was all media misdirection, and Apple’s next iteration is merely a few days away, but that could just be because my iPhone 4 looks like it lost a cage match against my keys.
Whatever Apple has up its sleeve, you can be sure it’s going to be big! Apple prides itself on keeping it biggest secrets under wraps with fewer slip-ups than you can count on fingers.
We are staying on top of this and will release updates as they become available.
Article Via BGR