Google Glass will soon be receiving quite a few new features by way of a software update. This update includes the addition of new voice commands, a full-fledged web browser, and new sharing options. The device has also been given a few new voice commands. These commands allow you to send text messages, answer calls, and perform other phone functions.
As far as Glass’s web browser goes, users will now be able to view webpages when performing Google searches on Google Glass. The browser can be controlled by using Glass’s touchpad. Scrolling can be performed by sliding your finger forward, zoom by sliding two fingers, pan by moving one’s head around, and click by tapping on the touchpad.
As far as sharing options go, Glass users can now add more than 10 friends to their device. You can send, make phone calls and send messages to these friends.
Via the announcement:
We know you have more than ten friends (at least we hope you do). Now you can tap to send a message or make a phone call to any of your Gmail “My contacts.” When you tap on “message” from the main menu, you swipe through your contacts’ profile photos and tap to send a message.
Project Glass has said via Google+ that these updates will be rolling out over the next “couple days.”