Good Morning, Welcome To WWDC Day. Here’s How We’re Rolling Today.

WWDC is this week, and like always, we’ll be covering the keynote in our usual fashion, post-by-post while important news breaks. A couple of caveats: we’re not at the keynote, we’re not going to pretend we are, and more importantly, we didn’t think it would be right to steal conference passes from developers by paying for them instead of being invited.

So, we’ll be on the Twitter account keeping everyone up to date on the situation, as well as writing our normal style posts as the news rolls in. I hope everyone will take a moment and give the articles a read. You can get all of our WWDC 2012 news on our “WWDC 2012” page.

Once we’re through with the keynote, we’ll be taking some time to collect our thoughts, then continue our coverage with some opinion articles. You’ll be able to find these posts by hitting up our front page, as well as our topic page for WWDC2012.

Enjoy the party. If you’re at WWDC, have a drink for us. If you’re not, have one for us anyway. The party begins at 12:30PM EST (9:30AM PST), and ends when it ends.

Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio