Waze is rumored to be in bed with just about every company in the valley that can afford a billion dollar acquisition. First it was Apple, and then Google, and now it’s Facebook. Thing is, in all three cases, negotiations have hit stumbling blocks and eventually collapsed. This time around, All Things D is reporting that the Facebook-Waze acquisition talk is falling apart too.
Mike Issac over at All Things D, points out that it doesn’t really have anything to do with money this time around:
But the talks dissolved in recent days, according to sources, due in part to conflicts over whether or not the Waze team — which is predominantly based in Israel — would move over to the United States and fold itself into Facebook’s Menlo Park, California headquarters, among other reasons.
Waze was the world’s first real social navigation application, letting customers share information about commutes, delays, construction and other daily hurdles while driving to and from work. Estimates have given the company approximately 40 million users.