Some applications are built to speed up your work flow. A lot of developers seem to forget that the point of applications is to accomplish tasks quicker than than before. If an application helps you accomplish your tasks at a fraction of the current time, then there’s a pretty good chance the application will stick around on machines. Dropzone is the embodiment of this approach. Its main goal is to give you a quick and easy way to do “stuff” with your files. Just as the title suggests, it’s an area on your toolbar that you can drag and drop a file to, then release the mouse button on the appropriate task. For instance, if you have to zip a folder then email it to a friend, you no longer have to do it in a multitude of steps (right click, compress, open mail, create new email, drag file to email).
With Dropzone, you can simply drag the folder to the applications icon, and while continuing to hold down the mouse button, release it when you’re hovering over the “compress & email” option. The previously mentioned five steps have now become two (drag and drop).
The team at Aptonic get it. Software should make my life easier, not make me think long and hard about how to do tasks that should take ten seconds to complete. They’ve built in the ability to extend the functionality of Dropzone to a number of applications (flickr, skitch, etc), so the potential for this application is endless. It costs $10.00 which is a steal when you consider the time you’ll be saving.
If you want to keep your eyes on what’s going on at Aptonic, and you’d like to stay up to date with some of the extended functionality you should check out their blog as well.