Dilbert comics easily hit the nail on the head in today’s comic. The comic focuses on smartphones that are both bigger than a phone and smaller than a tablet.
We didn’t want to be all douchey and publish the comic here, so click on this big, fat link to check out the comic strip, then come back here for the rest of the article.
The Truth Hurts
I have a really hard time understanding why people would want a phone that has a screen larger than 4.0 inches. I don’t have large hands, in fact, I’m sure they’re pretty average (ya, ya, joke it up), but for some reason I find using a phone larger than 4.0 inches a massive challenge while trying to navigate the screen using only one hand.
I want a tablet that’s not a phone, and a phone that’s certainly not a tablet. There’s some wiggle room, but for the most part 3.5 – 4.0 inches is the perfect size. Heck, I’d argue that 3.5 inches is the perfect size. The Galaxy Note makes absolutely zero sense in my mind. How do you not look like a moron walking around with a 5.3-inch Zach Morris 2.0 phone. I don’t get it.