If you use your MacBook Pro as a desktop replacement, you’ve probably had a moment where you found yourself wishing that you had some kind of docking station for your laptop. There’s nothing worse than having to unplug all of your cables only to have to plug them all back in again when you get home at the end of the day.
Sure, it’s a first world problem, but it sucks nonetheless.
Well, you can finally get yourself a Deskbook Pro docking station, for a measly $600. It also comes with add-ons—$180 for an external harddrive, and another $150 for a battery pack.
If money’s not an issue, you’ll find yourself having access to additional usb ports and the ability to run a third monitor, albeit over usb, for $600.
The Deskbook Pro is awesome in concept, and I probably would have ordered one if it wasn’t so expensive. I’ve been thinking about getting rid of my Mac Pro and running with a MacBook Pro as my main machine, and this would have certainly made that transition a little bit easier, but for that price I might just replace my Mac Pro with a Mac Mini.
Article Via Cult of Mac